Qualificação de doutorado do discente Igor Muzetti, dia 24/02/2022 as 09:00.
Qualificação de doutorado do discente Igor Muzetti, dia 24/02/2022 as 09:00.
Título : On the Continuous Delivery in IoT Systems
Dia: 24/02/2022 - Hora: 9h
Link: https://meet.google.com/avx-pekb-dbi
Banca: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rabelo (UFOP); Prof. Dr. Marco Tulio Valente (UFMG); Prof. Dr. Paulo Meirelles (UFABC)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Tiago Carneiro (UFOP)
Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Figueiredo (UFMG)
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) software systems are designed to achieve a specific goal within an application domain. They are
composed of objects capable of identifying, detecting, or acting, having the ability to process and cooperate to achieve a purpose according
to their specificities. These objects interact with each other and humans through different types of connections. IoT systems allow
software deployment for data processing and decision-making to achieve your goals. The development of IoT software systems brings to
the discussion the suitability of software engineering for current paradigms such as IoT, industry 4.0, smart cities and environments,
wearable devices, among others that make up a set of contemporary software systems. From our point of view, IoT systems require the
integration of different technologies such as sensors, actuators, edge devices, cloud computing, mobile devices, big data, artificial
intelligence, and IT operations. The success of this integration to deliver products with satisfactory quality depends directly on the
continuous cooperation of professionals with different skills. This research proposes creating a conceptual model to support the choice of
practices and technologies for continuous delivery pipelines in IoT software systems. In addition to an overview of recently published
scientific works, the results obtained so far demonstrate the variability of proposed frameworks and reference architectures for IoT
systems, highlighting the lack of a specific taxonomy for each type of environment that a continuous delivery pipeline of an IoT software
system can have. This fact serves as the main motivation for this research. Through the preliminary conclusions, it is possible to affirm
that no proposed framework or architecture has differentiation for the environments where a continuous delivery pipeline can operate
with specific practices and technologies.